Admission Rules


  1. Registration forms can be filled online or in the school.
  2. Incomplete and illegible registration forms will not be processed.
  3. Date for the admission test/interview will be given at the time of registration.
  4. Registration fee is non-refundable.
Admission Rules
Admission Rules


  1. Registration does not automatically imply admission to any child.
  2. The Principal reserves with himself the right to refuse admission to any child.
  3. No pupil will be admitted to school without a Transfer Certificate from the last school which he/she attended.


  1. Application for withdrawal is to be made on the prescribed form available at the Records or Accounts Office.
  2. A month’s notice is required for withdrawal.
  3. The security deposit will be refunded after making deductions from this amount towards uncleared outstanding fees and charges.
  4. A Transfer Certificate will be issued within one week of the student’s withdrawal.
Admission Rules